Installing miniBRS

miniBRS can be installed either using an Installer script or manually. Using the Installer is the easiest and straightforward way to install and configure miniBRS. If you are using Ubuntu 18.04 you can install using Installer script, For any other OS, you would have to do the installation and configuration manually.



You need a database on your database server. If you don’t have a database yet, you can use the SQLite database which is default database of Airflow. This will allow you to test miniBRS even before your database administrator creates a database for you. Just note, that SQLite is not suitable for production environment.

mini-BRS is tested with

  • Postgres DB: 10.12
  • MySQL DB: 8.0
  • SQLite - latest stable (it is used mainly for testing purpose)

Email Server

You would need an Email Server in case you want email alerts for your workflows, Make sure you have SMTP server details like smtp_host, smtp_port, email address and password in handy. If you don't have an Email Server, you can use Gmail, Outlook or any other email provider make sure you generate app password for your email address. To know how to generate app password for your Gmail account, refer here


Using Installer Script

  1. clone the repository using git

    ~$ git clone
  2. execute install script inside the project folder using sudo command

    ~$ sudo ./install

The installation script will take care of your needs, it will start downloading the dependencies and requirements for the project. During installation, you will need to provide various information such as,

  1. The installer will prompt you for the type of installation, You can either install mini-BRS as a Ubuntu service or you can let the installer create a python virtual environment for you.

  2. Next, it will ask you for the type of database to be used as a meta-database for Airflow, mini-BRS is tested for SQLite, MySQL and Postgres. You can choose the type of database and provide the specific database credentials during installation.

  3. miniBRS provide failure alerts option via email, you can provide the SMTP server to be used for sending failure notifications, incase, workflows fail. You can choose to skip this step If you don't want email alerts.

  4. You will be prompted to create your Airflow UI login credentials, by default username is admin you can keep the default username and add a password to it.

Once the installation is over, If you have chosen to install mini-BRS as service than after installation you will have two system services installed one for airflow-webserver and other for airflow-scheduler active and running on your machine. You can check the status of the service by

~$ sudo service airflow-websever status
~$ sudo service airflow-scheduler status

If you have installed mini-BRS as a python virtual environment then you will be having a folder named .env created in miniBRS folder. This folder is the python virtual environment and you can use the following command to activate it

make sure your current working directory is miniBRS

~$ source .env/bin/activate

Once you activate your virtual environment you can start Airflow webserver and scheduler

~$ airflow webserver
~$ airflow scheduler

After you have finished the installation process and you have started airflow webserver and scheduler. You can access miniBRS UI via http://locahost:8080

Manual Installation

Prerequisite: Linux OS, Although any Linux distro would work we prefer Debian distros e.q Ubuntu, Debian etc.

For Red Hat Linux the process of installation would remain same with slight changes specific to the use of corresponding package manager

Windows: If you are a windows user and you want to run Apache Airflow on windows platform, you would need extra housekeeping, For windows platform, you would need a Virtual Machine simulator like VirtualBox / VMware for running Linux on Windows or if you are using Windows 10 then you can use the Windows Sub System For Linux to have your airflow installed. In any case, the internet is yours go and find it :wink:

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  1. Git Installation: In order to fetch miniBRS project from GitHub, you need to have git installed in your machine. To check if git is installed, run the below command in your terminal

    ~$ git version

    The output should be something like this :

    git version 2.17.0

    The version number may differ depending on your machine and time of installation. If the output display's the version number that means you have git installed.

    In case, git is not installed. you can install it by the following command

    ~$ sudo apt-get install git

  2. Download miniBRS: Once git is installed, you can fetch the project from the GitHub repo using below command.

    ~$ git clone

  3. Create Virtual Environment: Now, change your directory to miniBRS and enter the following command to create a virtual environment.

    Make sure you are using Python 3.x and not Python 2.7

    ~$ python -m venv .env
    ~$ python -m virtualenv .env

    In case, python throws no module virtualenv found, you need to install the virtualenv package, to install virtualenv package using below command

    ~$ pip install virtualenv


    ~$ pip3 install virtualenv

  4. Set Environment Variable: Before installing the dependencies you need to activate your virtual environment and also set a PATH variable with the name AIRFLOW_HOME it's necessary for miniBRS to find the project files. Let's do it one by one.

    with miniBRS as your cwd hit the below command in terminal

    ~$ pwd

    This will give you an output something like this

    /home/<YOUR USER NAME HERE>/airflow_workspace/miniBRS

    copy this output as we need it to set our PATH variable

    Now use the following command to open an editor

    ~$ nano .env/bin/activate

    This will open a bash script, scroll to the end of the file and paste the following lines at the end of the file

    #This is for AIRFLOW usage
    export AIRFLOW_HOME=/home/<YOUR USER NAME HERE>/airflow_workspace/miniBRS

    press CTRL+X and y, to close the editor

    You are ready to activate your virtual environment. enter the following command to activate it

    ~$ source .env/lib/activate

  5. Install Dependencies: To install project dependencies, we prefer installation using requirements.txt file. In miniBRS project folder you have a file requirement.txt which has all the project dependencies list in it. enter the following command to install dependencies

    ~$ pip3 install -r requirement.txt

  6. Backup DAG's Folder: Before we initialize airflow meta-database. Lets back up our workflows. Hit the following commands in the terminal. make sure you have miniBRS as the current working directory

    ~$ mv -r dags dags_bak

  7. Initialize Airflow Meta-Database: To initialize meta-database use this command

    ~$ airflow initdb

    The initialization of meta-database results in the creation of following files in miniBRS project folder airflow.cfg, airflow.db and unittest.cfg. We will get back to these files in separate sections

  8. Create Default Connections: miniBRS use various connections and variables for its functioning. It is necessary to create default connections before you can use miniBRS If the connections are not created miniBRS will throw exceptions. Creating connections is just a matter of a few commands. Let us create them via terminal only, Although you can create them from UI as well check out the User Interface section for more details on how to create connections and variables from UI

    • servicenow_default: This connection is used to store your Service Now Instance details, feel free to add values to the options in the below command as per your own Instance details. You can provide your service now instance URL to --conn_host, Your Service Now username to --conn_login and Service Now password to --conn_password options

      ~$ airflow connections -a --conn_id servicenow_default --conn_type None --conn_host --conn_login admin --conn_password None
    • s3_default: This connection is used to store your Amazon S3 credentials, feel free to add values to the options or you can create the connection with dummy values and later change them from UI

      ~$ airflow connections -a --conn_id s3_default --conn_type None --conn_login access_key_id --conn_password None --conn_extra '{"region-name": "ap-south-1", "bucket-name": "mini-brs"}'
    • dropbox_default : This connection is used to store your DropBox access_token

      ~$ airflow connections -a --conn_id dropbox_default --conn_type None --conn_login None --conn_password None
    • google_drive_default : This connection is used to store your Google Drive access_token

      ~$ airflow connections -a --conn_id google_drive_default --conn_type None --conn_login None --conn_password None --conn_extra '{"access_token": "<YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN_HERE>","scope": "","token_type": "Bearer","expires_in": 3599,"refresh_token": "<YOUR-REFRESH-TOKEN_HERE>"}'
  9. Create Default Variables: Like default connections miniBRS also uses few default variables for its functioning hit copy paste for below command's

    • config This is a configuration variable used to customize your workflows

      ~$ airflow variables -s config '{"tables": [], "start_date": "1day", "frequency": "hourly", "threshold": 10000, "export_format": "xml", "storage_type": "sftp", "email": ""}'
    • r_config This is a system variable, used for functioning of miniBRS

      ~$ airflow variables -s r_config '{}'
    • dag_creation_dates : Another system variable

      ~$ airflow variables -s dag_creation_dates '{}'
  10. Populate DAGs: Now is the time to get our DAG's populated. In Step 6 we made a backup of DAG's let get them back in context, use following commands to rename dags_bak to dags

        ~$ rm -r dags           
        ~$ mv dags_bak dags
  11. Start Airflow Web Server & Scheduler: Congratulations, you have made up to this step, Now is the time to start the webserver and the scheduler. To start webserver use following command

        ~$ airflow webserver

    To start scheduler, use command

        ~$ airflow scheduler
  12. Access miniBRS UI: After you have finished the installation process and you have started airflow webserver and scheduler. You can access miniBRS UI via http://locahost:8080

Important Notes:

  1. The Manual Installation makes use of SQLite database, This is not recommended for production purpose
  2. In order to change the database you need to change a configuration value for sql_alchemy_conn in the airflow.cfg file present in the miniBRS project folder. This key sql_alchemy_conn take SQLAlchemy connection string as an argument you can find a link in the references to tweak these settings.

  3. Also, Manual Installation does not speak about the installation of miniBRS as a service, This is something which installer does. But if you need to install miniBRS as a service don't forget to check references link for your help.
